Friday, September 14, 2012

Knowing it=Spouting it?

This is for you Christians. Just because you know it, does not mean you should say it. Say you are in a debate or trying to help a friend out, you may have the perfect thing to say that you believe is straight from God. "Encouragement" you might call it. They might not even be talking to you but you overhear what is being said and think to yourself "Oh I know just the thing to say". Nu-uh. Just because you know what to say does not mean you should say it. Now you might be like "But God says to spread the good news!" and yes he did. But not all the time. God is not an idiot and he knows that no one want's to listen to a know it all loud mouth Christian who thinks he or she has all the answers. The best way to spread the good news it to yourself be humble and willing for change. Be open and accepting and if you feel God it telling you to talk to someone for one don't push your way into someone else's conversation and for another if you are talking to them remember you are a sinner too, you are no better than they are even if you think you are. You might mention how God helped you in that area or how he is still helping you. Also remember to talk out of love not because you are the wise teacher and they are the humble listeners. You are kind, humble, and can  discern when and when not to talk. The proud boast but the humble are quiet and are heard when they speak. Remember when talking to anyone about God even another Christian or close friend that to God you are dirty filthy and foolish and you should look at yourself compared to God and not the other person.

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