Monday, September 17, 2012

Express Yourself

A lot of people love to express and talk about their opinions in lot's of different ways about lots of different things. But then I have noticed that many times if in online or in the real world when a Christians expresses their idea's or feelings they have, now I don't mean hateful kind but I mean just casual kind people will often say "Stop trying to shove Religion down my Throat." Now first off why would someone feel religion is being shoved down their throat if it is only suggested? I'll tell you why. Because they themselves feel judged by Christians. Having religion shoved down their throats really means that they feel obligated to live up to higher standards than they are used too or comfortable with. They are defensive because they literally feel attacked by the mention of being Christian or Christian beliefs. This being said, it is wrong Atheists to tell Christians they may not express their feelings, unless they are being directly hurtful. If you are so uncomfortable about someones opinion that is not your own while I am sure you often loudly express your own opinion that you can leave the conversation instead of asking someone to leave by bias pretenses. Just because you don't like it does not mean it is wrong for Christian opinions to be shared just like it is okay for your opinions to be shared. That is a huge part of being an adult, listening to things you might not be completely comfortable with because you are better than the person who covers their ears going "Stop shoving religion down my throat!"

Friday, September 14, 2012

Knowing it=Spouting it?

This is for you Christians. Just because you know it, does not mean you should say it. Say you are in a debate or trying to help a friend out, you may have the perfect thing to say that you believe is straight from God. "Encouragement" you might call it. They might not even be talking to you but you overhear what is being said and think to yourself "Oh I know just the thing to say". Nu-uh. Just because you know what to say does not mean you should say it. Now you might be like "But God says to spread the good news!" and yes he did. But not all the time. God is not an idiot and he knows that no one want's to listen to a know it all loud mouth Christian who thinks he or she has all the answers. The best way to spread the good news it to yourself be humble and willing for change. Be open and accepting and if you feel God it telling you to talk to someone for one don't push your way into someone else's conversation and for another if you are talking to them remember you are a sinner too, you are no better than they are even if you think you are. You might mention how God helped you in that area or how he is still helping you. Also remember to talk out of love not because you are the wise teacher and they are the humble listeners. You are kind, humble, and can  discern when and when not to talk. The proud boast but the humble are quiet and are heard when they speak. Remember when talking to anyone about God even another Christian or close friend that to God you are dirty filthy and foolish and you should look at yourself compared to God and not the other person.


If you go into a debate with a bias attitude then what is the point? Then it is just an argument. A debate is speaking as well as listening so if you are a stiff nosed Bias refusing to even give yourself the change of being wrong then you are living in arrogance. Closed mindedness is the threshold of people who refuse to learn or grow and this does not support any reason other than the fact that you are right and that's the end of it. No I am not talking to Atheists or getting back at someone for annoying me. I am saying all in all for Christians or Atheists being A stiffed nose bias is childish and give no room to change. If you are so great, so right then you don't need other's to agree with you right? If you are so sure of yourself arguing is just informing the other person on how right you are. If you are so right then why base your self worth over what other's think of you? Of if they think you are right or not? For you who do know all the answers my best suggestion is to sit on your couch and smile at your grand wisdom, rejoice in your knowledge. 


I know most people my age don't do this but I just LOVE to swing. I can do it for hours and hours even in the rain. It helps me think and is relaxing to me. I swing until my hands hurt and my hips are sore. Being a girl I have large hips so after a long swing they are a bit out of place and it's a bit hard for me to talk. Ha.

Thursday, September 13, 2012


Being Gay

As a Christian some people feel like I am required to feel a certain way about Gays and Lesbians. Both Christians and Atheists alike both feel they know what I think about it. The big question is "Is being Gay okay?" and my answer is why are you asking me? I am Not a Lesbian, so why should I think about it? It is not my job to sit down and see how I feel about gays. Now "why" you may ask do I feel this way? "Doesn't God say it is wrong in the bible?" Why yes he does, he also says it is wrong to lie, everyone does that, to cheat, or boast or..this one might get you. Be arrogant. Because I am not God I have no reason to have an opinion about it. Even if I did think it is wrong, so what? It does not matter. Because even if it is wrong, God is forgiving and loving. He wont love someone less for being gay so why the hell should I or you? Christians, it is not your job to tell people how to act and what to do, it is your job to sit down, shut up, and only talk when you are speaking out of love. And Gay's who the hell cares what Christians think? Live your life, don't do anything out of guilt or condemnation. If you feel it is wrong, if you think God want's something else from you then fine, work for that. But if you hate yourself, well hating yourself IS a sin. Love yourself like God loves you. If you are gay then fine, It does not matter to me. God loves everyone, and if he does so should we.

About My Blog

Let me just first off tell you guys it really is my wish to tell the truth. To be someone who peaks of only the right things. I am very opinionated but willing to change my mind. I am a Christian and believe it is my job to get to the bottom of things even if it gets my fingernails dirty. Some will hate what I have to say, many will most likely inform me in colorful words how foolish it is of me to believe in something you can't see. But I have strong faith, which grows by every passing day. There are things even Christians won't like being said. Like the mention of demons. But just because you don't believe it, does not make it impossible. Usually Christians who really express their feelings are looked at as fools, idiots. I may look life a fool or idiot and of course voicing my thoughts on a blog are not as cut throat as voicing it in person, but at least here, I can practice. I know some Christians are hateful, bitter, judgmental and very arrogant. I hope to be a breath of fresh air not voicing things out of hate or judgment. However, the truth can be uncomfortable and I don't at all claim to know it all. I am just a twenty one year old girl who thinks a lot. My Blog is called Rooted because I plan on digging up things that have not been thought about for years, or things people are to frightened or uncomfortable to hear. But I will pray and ask God that every post I make will be the truth and that only. I hope you will be willing to read and think about what I saw as I will to you. I am not the perfect Christian, I don't always go to church, I hardly ever read the bible, I don't go to youth group, I don't sit in a circle singing hems while holdings hand's, and I don't sit and wrinkle my nose at gay people. I am just a college student who can't stand to keep my feelings and thoughts to myself anymore.

I believe in God



That God is forgiving if you give your life to him

Spiritual battles

and much, much more.

Also I am a horrid speller. Please forgive. I hope to talk to you all soon!